What is EOS.

In three words: Real. Simple. Results.

EOS is comprised of 3 elements

eos-model - The Entrepreneurial Operating System

EOS Model

The EOS Model provides a visual illustration of the Six Key Components of any business that must be strengthened to be a great business. The EOS Model helps to simplify the way you see your business and sets the context for becoming a great company.

eos-process - The Entrepreneurial Operating System

EOS Process

The EOS Process puts all the pieces together, incorporating each of the EOS Tools in the right order to best strengthen each key component of your business. The EOS Process is our proven way of helping you apply the right tools at the right time to get you the results you want.

eos-toolbox - The Entrepreneurial Operating System

EOS Toolbox

Giving good advice can be helpful, but giving business leaders and managers simple and proven tools provides them with everything they need to build and run a great business. The EOS Toolbox contains a complete set of simple tools you can use to strengthen each component of your business.

After over 10,000 hours of working with entrepreneurs and their leadership teams, we’ve learned that a choice few (5%) are getting everything they want from their business.
Unfortunately the other 95% aren’t.







The 6 Key Components

We believe the answer lies in this simple principle:
Every business, big or small, has 6 Key Components™.

To the degree your business leaders and managers can strengthen those 6 Key Components, everything just has a way of falling into place and you will catapult your business into the top 5%.

EOS gives leaders & managers what they need to strengthen the 6 Key Components and provides a comprehensive way of running your business so you can strengthen each component and produce the results you want. A strong, healthy, profitable company that experiences real ‘Traction®’.

It works in any entrepreneurial company and across all business models because the system is founded on time-tested methods and principles, not business management theories or “flavours of the month”.

A Comprehensive Business System

EOS®, the Entrepreneurial Operating System®, is a comprehensive business system, integrating a holistic business model with a complete set of simple business tools and a proven business process to align and synchronise all the pieces of your business to produce the results you want.

EOS is unique because it is easy to understand and use, holistically addressing all issues rather than applying spot-treatments to your business.  It works in any entrepreneurial company and across all business models because the system is founded on time-tested methods and principles, not business management theories or “flavours of the month”.

Spot-treating symptoms never works for long. It only leads to more frustration. EOS takes you below the surface symptoms so you can address and resolve every business issue at the root cause. The end result is a strong, healthy, profitable company that experiences real Traction®.

The companies are typically £2-25 million in annual revenue, some larger, some smaller, with 10 to 250 employees, in any industry. We don’t come to you as an expert in your business, but rather as expert EOS Implementers.

Once EOS is part of the business DNA, you graduate from the process & you decide how long we are there to support you.

Get Your Business Laser Focused Today.

Sign up for a free 90-minute meeting with a Professional or Certified Implementer to learn how your business can benefit from EOS.

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