Real World Feedback.

The Proof is in the Results.

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Zoup Restaurant

Detroit Radiator Corporation

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Sachse Construction

ASI Asphalt

EOS was the catalyst for one of the most remarkable changes in my company. My Leadership Team has integrated the EOS tools into our everyday work habits. Our vision is clear, strategies are well executed and communicated to all. EOS taught my Leadership Team how to plan, act and communicate in a system that is easy for all to adopt and follow. Within the first year of integrating EOS, my company was able to achieve a record revenue growth of 87% over the prior year.

– Randy Pruitt, Randall Industries, Inc.

Five years ago we ended the year at $5,000,000 in revenue and a 3% net loss. Things weren’t awful, but we definitely wanted to do better, so we implemented EOS. It felt a little awkward at first, but as we began to master the system, things became simpler and everything began to work better. As a result, we ended the next year at $7,500,000 with a 6% net profit! The whole leadership team is so much more confident about the future now, and we’ve never been so unified as a team. I guess the big WOW! in all of this is knowing that our dreams are attainable. We’re on pace to close out this year at $18,000,000 with a nice profit. EOS works.

– Steve Spiech, Spiech Farms

EOS was the catalyst for one of the most remarkable changes in my company. My Leadership Team has integrated the EOS tools into our everyday work habits. Our vision is clear, strategies are well executed and communicated to all. EOS taught my Leadership Team how to plan, act and communicate in a system that is easy for all to adopt and follow. Within the first year of integrating EOS, my company was able to achieve a record revenue growth of 87% over the prior year.

– Randy Pruitt, Randall Industries, Inc.

Five years ago we ended the year at $5,000,000 in revenue and a 3% net loss. Things weren’t awful, but we definitely wanted to do better, so we implemented EOS. It felt a little awkward at first, but as we began to master the system, things became simpler and everything began to work better. As a result, we ended the next year at $7,500,000 with a 6% net profit! The whole leadership team is so much more confident about the future now, and we’ve never been so unified as a team. I guess the big WOW! in all of this is knowing that our dreams are attainable. We’re on pace to close out this year at $18,000,000 with a nice profit. EOS works.

– Steve Spiech, Spiech Farms

Lowry Computer Products is celebrating our one year anniversary of being engaged in the EOS process and have committed to the process for our future. The process has helped us solidify our vision and streamlined the execution of our vision. As a result, our company has accomplished major milestones in propelling growth, employee satisfaction and reaching all of our goals successfully. We grew 3x the rate of our industry average this year.

– Mike Lowry, Lowry Computer Products

EOS has done a remarkable job for me as a business leader, as a person and for our company. It has improved my business and my life dramatically. I am having more fun, and my sales and profits have increased by 50 percent over the past three years. The EOS Process takes one’s vision and sets up systems to make it a reality. I would recommend the EOS Process™ to any organisation that are ready to go to the next level and to hold themselves accountable to achieve everything that they knew they could.

– Bob Shenefelt, RCS International

Dietz Property Group (DPG) has been implementing EOS for just over two years coming out of the Great Recession. During this period, we grew 44% by picking up six new third party engagements and acquiring three new properties, after being stagnant for a couple of years. EOS has also helped position us for future growth. We are a much stronger, clearer, simpler, cohesive organisation than before we started with EOS.

– Brian Dietz, Dietz Property Group

One of our biggest challenges in RideScout is prioritisation, because there are so many opportunities for us to explore.  Our Implementer provides for us a framework to set those priorities and then gives us the tools to be accountable and transparent in accomplishing those priorities.  As our team of veterans likes to say, our Implementer is a force multiplier.

– Craig Cummings, RideScout

Our Implementer has helped us learn and implement EOS, a single operating system, for our 35 year old, 40 person professional services firm. The results are impressive; using one system allows us to spread it and teach it to all our employees over time and it continues to gain traction. One systems keeps it simple and efficient. Our Implementer’s energy and passion make it fun!I am also a Vistage member and find EOS to be extremely complimentary with Vistage’s focus on best practices within every area of a company and it’s leaders. We gain value from both of these investments and I would encourage others to explore working with an Implementer and evaluating the power of adopting EOS as their one operating system.

– Lori Gordon, MandMarblestone, LLC

Our business had reached a ceiling and needed some changes to push through. Our Implementer was introduced to us, and came highly referred by other successful business owners who had worked with them. After our initial consultation, we knew that the Implementer could unlock a lot of our business potential with their coaching and systems. In just 3 months, our Implementer has given us complete organisation clarity, and helped us set goals with action plans, throughout the company. For the first time in 9 years, I feel like our business has purpose and systems, and has doubled in efficiency. I can’t say enough good things about what our Implementer has done for our company. Working with them has been a lot of fun and is one of the best investments we’ve ever made.

– Corey Wright, Wright Brothers, Inc.

The EOS Process, has allowed our management team to grow more trusting of each other, be more efficient and navigate through tough issues quickly. It has been less than a year since we have rolled it out to all of our team members. They are enthusiastic about the changes that have been brought forth. I have entrusted this journey to the point that I am taking a two month sabbatical. Without the growth over the last 18 months of the organisation, I know this decision would never have been made possible!

– Sean Ross, PackSmart, Inc.

Our Implementer is an expert in the Traction system. Their coaching was engaging and unified our team. We’ve actively implemented our Implementer’s teachings with greats results, and anticipate bringing them back to participate in future sessions.

– Jesse Proudman, Blue Box Group

A note of thanks for all you have done for our firm. When we began implementing these concepts, I was not happy, my health was failing, and my stress level was so high, I was ready to give up. Business wasn’t fun anymore. My business owned me – I didn’t own my business. At the time, I had 10 employees and was ready to take it back to five and just settle for where I was. To consider more growth just meant more stress and more frustrations. In the last year and a half of working with you, we now have 12 employees, and our revenue has gone up by almost 100 percent in two years! The best part is, I am not only happier again but also have more freedom of time. I now spend 50 percent of my year in Nashville with my two children, their spouses, and my two granddaughters. More income, and less time combined with happier employees = one happy business owner. Many, many, many thanks!

– Curtis Whipple, C. Curtis Financial

We had a lot of work to do in improving the health of our leadership team. We began the EOS / Traction process in the Fall of 2012, got things back on track and had the best year in the firm’s history in 2013. The EOS / Traction process is real, simple and gets results. Our Implementer is the best advisor / coach / facilitator that I’ve experienced in 35 years of business. Their passion for helping people and firms succeed, delivers almost immediately in tangible results. Our Implementer has a great touch with people and tremendous, practical experience.

– Joe Teeling, Bearence Management Group

I embraced EOS nearly two years ago and I can say that this is one of the best business decisions I have made. It has taken my company and transformed it into a well-oiled machine going from 2nd gear to 6th gear all because of our adherence to the tools. My executive team members are now on the same page as everyone is working together to achieve the company vision. I cannot say enough about the genius behind EOS and actively pass on the word, just not to my competitors.

– Dr. Michael E. Graham, GraMedica

The EOS / Traction process that we have implemented in our business, through an EOS Implementer’s guidance, has proved to be the tool we needed to take our business to the next level. It gives our employees a clear roadmap on our future as well as the “turn by turn” directions we need to achieve our 10-year target.

– Patrick Clem, ALMACO

I had a well run, profitable and growing business before we implemented EOS. Today, a year after implementation, we have supercharged the business. We now have clarity of responsibilities, problem solving frameworks and the growth has been explosive… thank you for giving us the framework to really take off.

– Bob Verdun, Computerised Facility Integration, LLC (CFI)

Your help with the ISF has been invaluable. The EOS Model and your V/TO are great tools for our nonprofit that gives us a practical and user-friendly way to stay on task. They have taken our staff meetings and our overall performance to a different level. We have experienced a new closeness and for a small staff that is so very important.

– Clarence Hudson, Iowa Sports Foundation

Engaging with the EOS process has been the single most beneficial thing I have done for myself and my company. I always felt there must be a better way than how I was going about running my organisation. The EOS process proved to be the holy grail I had been searching for all that time. It demonstrated a clear, concise, and PROVEN way to deal with everything an owner/decision maker deals with – and how to grow with that knowledge. I plan better, I sell better, I manage better, and I have more confidence than ever before. The best feeling with the EOS process that I can share is that I know with great clarity that the work my leadership team and I are doing is undoubtedly going to make my company stronger and more successful.

– Joe Goudeseoune, Detroit Band Saw

I often ask myself how we ran our company before using the EOS /Traction system. Utilising the level 10 meetings and the scorecard across all departments is critical to maintain a pulse on the performance of our company. It is comforting to know that everyone is speaking the same language, organised around the same vision and all driving to complete the same company rocks. EOS is the ultimate in personal and professional accountability. If I were starting a new company I would start with the Vision / Traction Organiser (VTO) process first!

– Dusty Boren, 4 Corners Homes

We never had a forum or a structure to resolve issues and make decisions in a disciplined way. When we were small we could do things fast, but as we grew we began to lose focus on objectives. EOS has been critical for us, because now we don’t let that happen.

– Clint Strong, Connectrac

The EOS tools work. They really help us stay consistent and focused on our vision. The principles have helped me build a solid leadership team, crystallise our plan, and create the discipline to take the organisation to the next level.

– Sam Simon, Atlas Oil Company

None of our issues were really new when we started EOS, and in fact many of them had been around for many years. One of the value propositions of EOS is that it forces you to face up to things that you know are problems and you just haven’t been able to face up to dealing with. The process requires that we make hard decisions and then forces us to implement them. The outcomes we’ve seen are so positive that I don’t need to try to quantify them to know that implementing EOS was a good decision for us. It’s not just a matter of saving money. We’re more efficient today, and we now make decisions rapidly that we used to agonise over.

– Bob Johnson, The Pinnacle Corporation

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Traction: Get a grip on your business

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Traction: Get a Grip on Your Business
By Gino Wickman

Do you have a grip on your business, or does your business have a grip on you?

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