The EOS Model provides a visual illustration of the Six Key Components of any business that must be managed and strengthened to be a great business. This model applies to big and small businesses alike, in any industry.

The Six Key Components™ of Any Business

Vision. Strengthening this component means getting everyone in the organization 100 percent on the same page with where you’re going and how you’re going to get there.

People. Simply put, we can’t do it without great people. This means surrounding yourself with great people, top to bottom, because you can’t achieve a great vision without a great team.

Data. This means cutting through all the feelings, personalities, opinions and egos and boiling your organization down to a handful of objective numbers that give you an absolute pulse on where things are.

With the Vision, People, and Data Components strong, you start to create a lucid, transparent, open and honest organization where everything becomes more visible and you start to “smoke out all the issues,” which leads to…

Issues. Strengthening this component means becoming great at solving problems throughout the organization – setting them up, knocking them down and making them go away forever.

Process. This is the secret ingredient in your organization. This means “systemizing” your business by identifying and documenting the core processes that define the way to run your business. You’ll need to get everyone on the same page with what the essential procedural steps are, and then get everyone to follow them to create consistency and scalability in your organization.

Traction. This means bringing discipline and accountability into the organization – becoming great at execution – taking the vision down to the ground and making it real.

“To the degree you focus on strengthening these Six Components™ as leaders and managers, everything will fall into place. That will move your business into the top 5 percent.”

— Gino Wickman, Founder of EOS

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